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“To answer it plainly, I have asked the girls to do me a service. I cannot be around all the time, I have too many commitments between my work with mother and other activities I do for the town. As such, I cannot be here to soothe you when you have a nightmare. You had a lot of them when you fell ill, and the only thing that helped was when I would lie with you. At one point, I was delayed coming over, and I found Liza in your bed. I lost control and screamed and threatened her, scaring everyone, including myself. I left the room and ran from the house to our tree.“I sat under the tree, trying to calm down and understand where the anger had come from. I realized that I had become jealous and lashed out at her without hearing her side of things. Filled with shame, I made my way back to your house to pay my penance for how I had wronged her. I found everyone sitting at the table having the evening meal, however Liza and Trina were missing. I went up to your room to find you asleep. Ten minutes later Brad walked down the hall towards the waiting room where I was. He said, “John how is it going, is your team winning? Brandi is starting her second glass of wine. I think she is getting really relaxed. I have to ask you a favor. Please don’t come out to the shop. When the door is opened it will cause a sudden draft and it really can affect the chemical that I will be using.”“Sure, I am in the middle of a game and my team is six points behind. So if you hear some hollering don’t let it bother you two just get her hair done.”He left the room with a big smile on his face and didn’t say another word. Now, I knew there was something being planned and I was going to watch. The hell with the football game! As soon as I heard the door close I went back down to the office. My first thought was to look into the storage room. You would never guess what I found? Two-way mirrors, that means he stood there for ten minutes and watched Brandi take her clothes off. I got the biggest.
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